
My calculator code in Python:

#def calculator function
def add(n1, n2):
    return(n1 + n2)

def substruct(n1, n2):
    return(n1 - n2)

def multiply(n1, n2):
    return(n1 * n2)

def divide(n1, n2):
    return(n1 / n2)

#create a dictionary contains =-*/ operations
operations = {
    '+': add,
    '-': substruct,
    '*': multiply,
    '/': divide

#import calculator logo
from art import logo

#start build this calculator
def calculator():
    #input 1st number
    num1 = float(input("What's the 1st number: "))

    yesorno = True

    #start while loop
    while yesorno == True:
        #print operation symbols(+-*/) for choose
        for key in operations:

        #choose operation
        symbol = input("pick a operation from symbols list above: ")

        #input 2nd number
        num2 = float(input("What's the next number: "))

        answer = operations[symbol](num1, num2)

        #print answer
        print(f"{num1} {symbol} {num2} = {answer}")

        #let user choose if continue with the answer
        if input(f"Input 'y' if you want continue with {answer}; or 'n' if you want start freshly.\n") == "y":
            #assign the answer value to num1
            num1 = answer
            #jump out from while loop
            yesorno = False

            #call calculator itself 

#start run this calculator