Install XAMPP for Linux

We could download latest XAMPP from

  • Installation: tar xvzf xampp-linux-1.x.x.tar.gz -C /opt. This step is very important, we must use the command to install XAMPP. If you want upgrade exist XAMPP, also use the command to replace old files to upgrade.
  • Run /opt/lampp/lampp start, then XAMPP start.
  • Test page: hostname, if there is a page displayed, then XAMPP work well.
  • Restart XAMPP, run /opt/lampp/lampp restart; Security check; run /opt/lampp/lampp security; Switch PHP version, run /opt/lampp/lampp php4 or /opt/lampp/lampp php5; Check PHP version, run /opt/lampp/lampp phpstatus.
  • Close FTP, run /opt/lampp/lampp stopftp, Then FTP would be closed. Even restart XAMPP next time, FTP would not start together.
  • Parameter include: start/stop/restart/startapache/stopapache/startssl/stopssl/startsql/stopsql/startftp/stopftp/security.
  • Run rm -rf /opt/lampp to remove XAMPP.

File directory:

  • /opt/lampp/bin/, XAMPP module directory. For example, /opt/lampp/bin/mysql can start MySQL.
  • /opt/lampp/htdocs/, Apache files directory.
  • /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf, Apache configuration files.
  • /opt/lampp/etc/my, MySQL configuration files.
  • /opt/lampp/etc/php.ini, PHP configuration files.
  • /opt/lampp/etc/proftpd.conf, ProFTPD configuration files.
  • /opt/lampp/phpmyadmin/, phpMyAdmin configuration files.