Some more details when install Moodle

Some more details on install Moodle

  • MySQL database for Moodle must be configured to permit connectiong from localhost only.
  • Enter your moodle directory, and then use the command below to copy Moodle files to relative directory. cp -rf * /opt/lampp/htdocs
  • rename index.html in htdocs as index.html.bak.
  • Because I use XAMPP as Moodle running platform, so I create a shortcut in /etc/rc.d/rc.local to start XAMPP as system boot.
  • Create a recurrence task to access For example, create a cronjob file root in /var/cpool/cron, then keyin the command below into the cron job file. @hourly wget -q -O /dev/null for Moodle