Upgrade the CiscoWorks 2.5.1
I went to a client's office to upgrade their CiscoWorks today, and then I failed.
At first, I install CiscoWorks 2.2 for the client, then, I found that we can't recognize many new type devices. I let reseller to download a new version of CiscoWorks. Then I got 2.5.1. The current version is 2.6, but it's too new to use it safe I think. And no one has purchase the 2.6 yet in mainland China, so reseller has not 2.6 version.
After I've installed 2.5.1 for client, I found that there are still some new Cisco Catalyst 3560-T24 are not been recognized. So I searched Cisco website, the articles said that I must use Campus Manager 4.0.4 to recognize the new CAT 3560. The version of Campus Manager come with CiscoWorks 2.5.1 is 4.0.3, so I let reseller to download Campus Manager 4.0.4. He give me a Device Update Pack.
Today, I came to client and open the pack, read the files, then I found the pack is just an update for Campus Manager 4.0.5. So it's not the right pack I need.
It's not a lucky day for me!